Ischaemic brain lesions diagnosed at birth in preterm infants: clinical events and developmental outcome.

In 232 newborn babies of <32 weeks'' gestational age ultrasound brain scans were carried out shortly after birth, daily for the first week of life, and at least twice weekly thereafter. Periventricular echogenicity associated with or progressing to periventricular leucomalacia (ischemic brain lesions) was present in nine babies within two hours of birth (early onset); 30 other babies subsequently developed similar lesions (late onset). Babies with early onset lesions were more likely to have a history of intrauterine growth retardation and to have recurrent apnea in the first few hours after birth. By contrast, late onset lesions were associated with hyaline membrane disease. In later childhood four of six survivors with early onset periventricular leucomalacia, and seven of 14 survivors with late onset periventricular leucomalacia, had various disabilities incuding spastic diplegia, impaired vision, squints, sensorineural hearing loss, and developmental delay. In a third of the children with disabilities ischemic brain lesions were noted within two hours of birth, raising the possibility that some of this damage had taken place before or during birth.