B-Factory Signals for a Warped Extra Dimension

We study predictions for B physics in a class of warped extra dimension models recently introduced, where few (3) TeV Kaluza-Klein masses are consistent with electroweak data due to custodial symmetry. As in the standard model (SM), flavor violations arise due to the heavy top quark leading to striking signals: (i) New physics contributions to ΔF=2 transitions are comparable to the SM, so the success of the SM unitarity triangle fit is a “coincidence.” Thus, clean extractions of unitarity angles are likely to be affected, in addition to O(1) deviation from the SM prediction in Bs mixing. (ii) O(1) deviation from various SM predictions for BXsl+l. (iii) Large mixing-induced CP asymmetry in radiative B decays. Also, the neutron electric dipole moment is roughly 20 times larger than the current bound so that this framework has a “CP problem.”