Prevention and management of pressure ulcers

Pressure ulcers represent a major health problem causing a considerable amount of suffering for patients and a high financial burden for healthcare systems. The geriatric population with an increased risk of pressure ulcer development is rising constantly as a result of chronic degenerative diseases that can lead to prolonged immobilization and poor nutrition. Evidence clearly indicates that preventive measures are essential to reduce the prevalence rates of pressure ulcers; therefore healthcare professionals must be able to identify the appropriate strategies to adopt, in order to meet the individual patient's requirements. Important advances have taken place in the world of pressure ulcer treatment during the past decade. These advances are reflected in the high rate of cures being obtained. This, together with the implementation of prevention guidelines, the excellent cost/effectiveness relationship of the techniques described, and other factors, means that the field of pressure ulcers management is no more an isolated and self-administered issue in medical practice. The areas discussed here are those in which there will be linear or, in some cases, exponential growth in the decades to come.