Modification of HLA Antigens in Patients with Malignancies Following Hormone Therapy

In 23 out of 39 patients with various malignancies who were treated with hormones (prednisone, Agostilben, Agovirin, separately or combined; prednisone plus another hormone), modification of HLA antigens was established. Out of 51 patients with hitherto untreated malignancies, HLA modification was demonstrated in 12 cases. This variation is statistically significant (P = 0.0006) and suggests hormonal therapy to be one of the causes of HLA modification in malignant tumors. The serological pattern of HLA modification varied: in 5 patients there was lymphocyte polyreactivity, in 10 there was a loss of HLA antigens, in 6 there was a weakening of HLA antigens and in 2 there was transformation of HLA-A2 to HLA-A28. The modification was transient in character. It occurred most frequently following administration of prednisone or prednisone combined with some other hormone; the modification was unrelated to drug dosage.