Liver lipid alterations in rats fed arginine deficient diets

Arginine deficiency is associated with a marked increase in liver lipids in the rat. Triglyceride accumulation accounts for most of the fatty infiltration. Cholesterol concentration per gram of liver increased approximately 280% above control rats receiving dietary arginine. The percentage of phospholipids was significantly decreased in the arginine-deficient rat liver compared to controls. The fatty acid composition revealed a significant reduction in the percentage of palmitic, palmitoleic, oleic, and linoleic acids. However, both stearic and arachidonic acids were increased approximately 250 and 160%, respectively, in arginine-deficient livers compared to controls. Arginine deficiency in the rat causes a marked alteration in lipid metabolism similar to that observed with orotic acid feeding. The similarities of arginine deficiency and orotic acid feeding are discussed.