Properties of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase, obtained from leaves of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. performing Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), were determined at frequent time points during a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle. Leaf extracts were rapidly desalted and PEP carboxylase activity as a function of PEP concentration, malate concentration, and pH was measured within 2 min after homogenization of the tissue. Maximum velocity of PEP carboxylase was similar in the light and dark at pH 7.5 and pH 8.0. However, PEP carboxylase had as much as a 12-fold lower K m for PEP and as much as a 20-fold higher K i for malate during the dark than during the light periods, the magnitude of these differences being dependent on the assay pH. Assuming that enzyme properties immediately after isolation reflect the approximate state of the enzyme in vivo, these differences in enzyme properties reduce the potential for CO2 fixation via PEP carboxylase in the light. A small decrease in cytoplasmic pH in the light would greatly magnify the above differences in day/night properties of PEP carboxylase, because the sensitivity of PEP carboxylase to inhibition by malate increased with decreasing pH. Properties of PEP carboxylase were also studied in plants exposed to short-term perturbations of the normal 12-h light/12-h dark cycle (e.g., prolonged light period, prolonged dark period). Under all light/dark regimes, there was a close correlation between change in properties of PEP carboxylase and changes of the tissue from acidification to deacidification, and vice versa. Changes in properties of PEP carboxylase were not merely light/dark phenomena because they were also observed in plants exposed to continuous light or dark. the data indicate that, during CAM, PEP carboxylase exists in two stages which differ in their capacity for net malate synthesis. The “physiologically-active” state is distinguished by a low K m for PEP and a high K i for malate and favors malate synthesis. The “physiologically-inactive” state has a high K m for PEP and a low K i for malate and exists during periods of deacidification and other periods lacking synthesis of malic acid.