This study presents an analysis of habitat use by lowland tapirs (Tapirus terrestris L.) in the Tabaro River valley of southern Venezuela. Five different habitat types were recognized in the study area and their proportions determined. Treefall gaps within these habitats were also analyzed as a distinctive type. The presence of tapirs was determined by following fresh tracks, counting tracks found by walking along transects and creeks, and checking gaps and closed-canopy areas of equal size for browsing signs. The numbers of tracks and sightings recorded near to and away from the water were compared for two periods of the year to assess changes in habitat use due to the availability of fruits of one food-plant species. Assessment of habitat use by counting or following tracks in each habitat type was biased toward moist soils. Tapirs forage preferentially in gaps and use all areas of the forest, but a significantly larger number of signs was found in lower elevation areas. A preference for lower elevation areas is correlated with the abundance of the commonest food-plant species. Tapirs may change their foraging behavior and habitat use to ingest more fruits of plant species in season.