Tissue Uptake and Oxidation of Disodium Sebacate in Man

In order to better ascertain its possible use as an alternative fuel substrate in total parenteral nutrition, sebacate (Sb) metabolism was studied in seven overnight-fasting healthy male volunteers, who received a constant iv infusion (99 mmoles over 8 hours) of disodium sebacate. Sb oxidation rate was determined using an isotopic sebacate (disodic salt of (1-10)14C-sebacic acid) infusion (100 μCi from the fourth to the eighth hour of the cold sebacate infusion). Blood samples were collected during and after sebacate infusion at intervals of 30 minutes and Sb serum concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Excreted radioactivity (μCi/min) was measured by bubbling the expired air into an apparatus containing 3 mEq hyamine to trap CO2 from a 20-L Douglas-bag. CO2 production and O2 consumption were measured before and at 4 and 8 hours after starting the infusion. Twenty-four hour nitrogen excretion with urine was obtained. The RQ and the percent of calories derived from lipid oxidation were calculated by indirect calorimetry. The Sb serum level at the plateau phase was (mean ± SD) 4.54 ± 0.71 μmole/mL, the overall rate of tissue uptake was 180.89 ± 4.50 μmole/min, and the percent oxidation was 6.14 ± 0.44%. At the end of Sb infusion the RQ dropped to 0.839 ± 0.043, the percent of calories due to sebacate oxidation was 1.59 ± 0.52%, and the calories derived from lipids increased to 37.77 ± 12.90%. These data show that a definite amount of the sebacate infused is oxidized in human tissues. (Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 15:454-459, 1991)