A purkinje cell-specific protein (spot 35 protein) showing wide distribution in the endocrine system of some mammals. An immunohistochemical study.

Spot 35 protein is a cerebellar protein which is restricted, in the cerebellum, to Purkinje cells. Immunohistochemical localization of the protein shows it to occur also in peptide/amine-producing endocrine cells of guinea pigs, cats and dogs. Spot 35 protein immunoreactivity occurred in pituitary endocrine cells, carotid body chief cells, thyroid parafollicular cells, pancreatic islet cells, but endocrine cells and adrenal chromaffin cells. In the pituitary, gut and adrenal medulla, only some endocrine cells stained positively. In the pancreas of cats and dogs, most cells of the islets showed the immunoreactivity, while in that of guinea pigs somatostatin-producing D cells were selectively immunoreactive for spot 35 protein.