Effects of the thymic microenvironment on the response of thymocytes to stimulation

We show that, in vitro, the response of thymocytes to certain stimuli, and their survival largely depend on the nature of the culture environment, i.e. whether thymocytes are stimulated within intact thymus lobes or in cell suspension. Exposure of isolated thymocytes to 12-O-tetra-decanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) + ionomycin rapidly abolishes the expression of recombination-activating gene-1 (RAG-1) mRNA (3 h), down-regulates CD4 surface antigen expression (3 h), and enhances apoptosis (24 h). On the other hand, when thymocytes are cultured in intact lobes, TPA plus ionomycin down-regulate rather than abolish RAG-1 mRNA expression (3 h), have little effect on CD4 expression even following 24-h exposure, and only marginally induce apoptosis (24 h). Differences between the culture systems are less pronounced in reponse to anti-CD3 antibodies. Therefore, it appears that removing thymocytes from their thymic microenvironment makes the cells more susceptible to certain stimuli, possibly by altering their physiological status. In addition, it has been suggested that termination of RAG-1 expression can be linked to thymocyte selection processes. We found that the down-regulation of RAG-1 expression was not dependent on the induction of apoptosis, supporting a proposed link with positive selection.