Cytogenetic identification of Aegilops squarrosa chromosome additions in durum wheat

A set of four normal chromosomes (1D, 2D, 3D, and 6D), and three translocation chromosomes (4DS·5DS, 5DL·7DS, and 7DL·4DL) involving all 14 chromosome arms of the D-genome were obtained as monosomic additions from Aegilops squarrosa (genome D, n=7) in Triticum durum Desf. cv ‘PBW114’ (genome AB, n=14). The cyclical translocation occurred during the synthesis of the amphiploid probably as a result of misdivision and reunion of the univalents during meiosis of the F1 hybrid T. durum x A. Squarrosa. The amphiploid was backcrossed twice with the durum parent to obtain monosomic addition lines. The monosomic addition chromosomes were identified by C-banding and associated phenotypic traits. All monosomic addition lines were fertile. The development of disomic and ditelosomic addition lines is underway, which will be useful for cytogenetic analysis of individual D-genome chromosomes in the background of T. Durum.