Studies on the preparation and analysis of glyceryl ether derivatives and the isolation and reductive ozonolysis of unsaturated glyceryl ethers

Glyceryl ethers were identified and quantified by the GLC analysis of their alkyl iodide (special conditions described), acetonide and allyl alkyl ether derivatives. The acetoxy-mercuri-methoxy derivatives of unsaturated glyceryl ether swere separated from saturated glyceryl ethers by TLC and the fractions were analyzed as alkyl iodides. Monoiodides from saturated glyceryl ethers and diiodides from unsaturated glyceryl ethers were also separated by TLC and then analyzed. Allyl alkyl ethers had small retention volumes and these derivatives were separated into pure fractions by preparative GLC. Ozonides were reduced either to alcohols with lithium aluminum hydrodie or to aldehydes with dimethyl sulfide. The alcohols were converted to mono- and diiodides which were separated by TLC and analyzed by GLC. The recovery of n-C6 and n-C7 monoiodides was not quantitative. Diiodides and aldehydes were both identified and quantified by GLC. Ozonolysis data suggest that the 16∶1 glyceryl ethers from dogfish liver oil contain 7,8 and 9,10 isomers and the 18∶1 glyceryl ethers contain 9,10 and 11,12 isomers.