Acute response in plasma renin and aldosterone secretion to diuretics

The acute response in Na excre-tion, plasma renin, and steroid secretion to administration of 2 ml Mercuhydrin intramuscularly or to 2 g chlorothiazide intravenously was studied in 34 dogs. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system was stimulated within 1 -2 hr during excretion of large quantities of Na and water. The data are consistent with the idea that this system provides a compensatory mechanism for conservation of salt and water during acute Na depletion. Na and water repletion coincident with diuretic administration suggested that the renin-angiotensin system was stimulated as a consequence of volume depletion. After chlorothiazide injection and during volume repletion, plasma renin failed to increase in every experiment. During Mercuhydrin administration and volume repletion, a transient increase in plasma renin and aldosterone secretion occurred. This finding reflects either incomplete salt and water repletion initially or the influence of factors other than volume depletion on renin release.