1 At a critical degree of coronary stenosis (allowing a just adequate blood supply to the poststenotic area only at the expense of maximal hypoxic coronary vasodilatation), an additional loading of the heart induced marked local myocardial ischaemia, as indicated by appropriate biochemical, electrophysiological and haemodynamic changes. 2 In this model myocardial oxygen demand was increased in three different ways: (i) increasing heart rate by atrial pacing; (ii) increasing afterload by aortic occlusion and (iii) increasing preload by blood infusion. These procedures were compared in their ability to produce local myocardial ischaemia and characterized by ST-segment elevation recorded from the endocardium and epicardium. 3 Increasing afterload evoked the mildest degree of ischaemia since the resulting increase in coronary perfusion pressure and coronary flow almost met the augmented myocardial oxygen demand evoked by the elevated peripheral resistance and by the simultaneously increased preload. A rather more pronounced ischaemia was produced by increasing the preload. The most serious ischaemia of all was induced by atrial pacing. This reduced coronary flow and perfusion pressure and increased left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP). 4 Nitroglycerine transiently reduced blood pressure and coronary blood flow and increased epicardial and endocardial ST-segment elevation; the changes had disappeared 10 min after terminating the infusion. However, at this time a prolonged protective action against pacing-induced ST-segment elevation was observed. This protection was also seen after intracoronary injections of nitroglycerine. This indicated that part of the beneficial effect of nitroglycerine in ischaemia is due to direct coronary and/or myocardial actions.