Involvement of Oct3/4 in the enhancement of neuronal differentiation of ES cells in neurogenesis-inducing cultures

Oct3/4 plays a critical role in maintaining embryonic stem cell pluripotency. Regulatable transgene-mediated sustained Oct3/4 expression in ES cells cultured in serum-free LIF-deficient medium caused accelerated differentiation to neuroectoderm-like cells that expressed Sox2, Otx1 and Emx2 and subsequently differentiated into neurons. Neurogenesis of ES cells is promoted by SDIA (stromal cell-derived inducing activity), which accumulates on the PA6 stromal cell surface. Oct3/4 expression in ES cells was maintained by SDIA whereas without it expression was promptly downregulated. Suppression of Oct3/4 abolished neuronal differentiation even after stimulation by SDIA. In contrast, sustained upregulated Oct3/4 expression enhanced SDIA-mediated neurogenesis of ES cells. Therefore, Oct3/4 appears to promote neuroectoderm formation and subsequent neuronal differentiation from ES cells.