Temperature Compensation of Neuromuscular Modulation inAplysia

Physiological systems that must operate over a range of temperatures often incorporate temperature-compensatory mechanisms to maintain their output within a relatively narrow, functional range of values. We analyze here an example in the accessory radula closer (ARC) neuromuscular system, a representative part of the feeding neuromusculature of the sea slug Aplysia. The ARC muscle's two motor neurons, B15 and B16, release, in addition to ACh that contracts the muscle, modulatory peptide cotransmitters that, through a complex network of effects in the muscle, shape the ACh-induced contractions. It is believed that this modulation is critical in optimizing the performance of the muscle for successful, efficient feeding behavior. However, previous work has shown that the release of the modulatory peptides from the motor neurons decreases dramatically with increasing temperature. From 15 to 25°C, for example, release decreases 20-fold. Yet Aplysia live and feed successfully not only at 15°C, but at 25°C and probably at higher temperatures. Here, working with reduced B15/B16–ARC preparations in vitro as well as a mathematical model of the system, we have found a resolution of this apparent paradox. Although modulator release decreases 20-fold when the temperature is raised from 15 to 25°C, the observed modulation of contraction shape does not decrease at all. Two mechanisms are responsible. First, further downstream within the modulatory network, the modulatory effects themselves—experimentally dissected by exogenous modulator application—have temperature dependencies opposite to that of modulator release, increasing with temperature. Second, the saturating curvature of the dose–response relations within the network diminishes the downstream impact of the decrease of modulator release. Thus two quite distinct mechanisms, one depending on the characteristics of the individual components of the network and the other emerging from the network's structure, combine to compensate for temperature changes to maintain the output of this physiological system.