Expression of junctional proteins in human platelets

Platelets play a major role in thrombosis and hemostasis by binding the sub-endothelial matrix at sites of injury, but also participate in vascular pathologies such as atherosclerosis. Recently, junctional proteins like PECAM-I and JAM-family members have been recovered from platelets, therefore we examined what other junctional molecules may be present in platelets. We observed immunoreactivity for APC (147 kD), beta-catenin (92 kD), E-cadherin (120 and 84 kD) and occludin (70-85 kD) by western blotting. Additionally, beta-catenin, pan-reactive cadherins, E-cadherin and occludin were seen to partition with the triton insoluble cytoskeleton in platelets. These proteins were also found in a megakaryocyte (platelet precursor) line, MEG-01. Our data suggest that conventional junctional molecules are expressed in platelets and could possibly participate in aggregation, clot formation and wound healing.