Physiological and biochemical contributions to the taxonomy of the genus Chlorella

The products of glucose fermentation were studied in 87 strains of the genus Chlorella. Lactic acid, acetic acid, formic acid, glycerol, ethanol, H2 and CO2 were identified. The lactic acid was shown to be d(-)lactic acid. The pattern of fermentation products is species-specific and can therefore be used as a taxonomic character. Lactic acid was found in C. fusca (varieties vacuolata, fusca, and rubescens), C. zofingiensis, C. vulgaris (var. vulgaris and f. tertia), and C. protothecoides. Formic acid and H2 appeared in those species which contain hydrogenase. Rather large amounts of glycerol were produced only by the most salt-tolerant species C. luteoviridis, C. saccharophila, and C. protothecoides.