Possible Predictive Factors in the Prognosis of Migraine with Aura

In order to identify possible predictive factors in the prognosis of migraine with aura (MA), we conducted a review at 10 to 20 years from referral on a sample of 77 MA patients (51F, 26M) consecutively seen for the first time at the University of Parma Headache Center. Based on the date of the last MA attack reported by these patients, we divided them into two study groups: a group of 22 patients “with remission of the disease,” i.e. attack-free for at least 2 years at the end of the follow-up study; and a group of 55 patients “without remission of the disease,” i.e. still having attacks in the last 2 years of the follow-up study. A comparative analysis of the MA clinical features observed in the two groups at the time of the patients' first visit to our Center enabled us to identify a number of favorable prognostic indicators, namely: a family history of parents with MA, the absence of other associated forms of primary headache, and the absence of both natural and artificial light stimulation as trigger factors.