Modified Coulomb scattering in intense, high-frequency laser fields

We present the first accurate calculation within a recently developed nonperturbative theory for free-free transitions in intense, high-frequency laser fields, done for modified elastic scattering from a Coulomb potential. The field is assumed to be monochromatic and linearly polarized. In the high-frequency limit of the theory, the scattering takes place from a time-independent, "dressed" Coulomb potential, which contains the frequency and intensity of the field only through a parameter α0. The corresponding Schrödinger equation in integral form was solved by the close-coupling method. The cross section depends on the scattering angle θ and on two other angles defining the orientation of the initial and final momenta ki and kf with respect to the electric field. Large deviations from the Rutherford cross section are found in the nonperturbative regime. At small angles θ the deviations appear in the form of characteristic Coulomb interference oscillations, while in backward scattering this pattern is distorted in a way markedly dependent on the orientation of the momenta with respect to the electric field. An unexpected rotation invariance of the cross section around ki was found for certain "magic" scattering angles θ.