Calves fed extra vit. A, either 10,000 USP units daily for 20 days or 250,000 USP units on the 3d and 10th days, maintained a higher blood plasma vit. A level after the 3d day than did their controls. Liver vit. A storage was increased with increased vit. A intake. Plasma vit. A and liver storage were not closely correlated except at low levels of liver storage. The daily addition of 50 mg. of niacin when 250,000 USP units of vit. A were fed on the 3d and 10th days had no effect on blood plasma or liver storage vit. A values. Except for a slight increase between the 3d and 7th days, no effect was observed on the plasma ascorbic acid content when 250 mg. of ascorbic acid were fed daily for 20 days. No significant effect on lowering the incidence or severity of scours could be detected when supplementary vits. were added to the normal ration according to the procedures described. Routine supplementary feeding of vit. A, ascorbic acid, and niacin to calves during the first few wks. following birth is of doubtful value in preventing scours. The feeding of supplementary vit. A at the rate of 10,000 USP units daily for 20 days or 250,000 USP units on the 3d and 10th days helps to overcome any deficiency of vit. A intake resulting from inadequate feeding of colostrum and whole milk, from impaired absorption, or from subsequent feeding of poor-quality hay.