Effect of Postnatal Ethanol Exposure on Expression of Differentiation Antigens of Murine Splenic Lymphocytes

Ethanol is a recognized immunosuppressive agent in the chronic alcoholic. However, the effects of ethanol exposure on the developing immune system have not been extensively investigated. This study evaluated the effects of early postnatal ethanol exposure, via breast milk, on splenic lymphocyte differentiation antigen expression in offspring reared by ethanol-fed mice. Maternal mice were fed a liquid diet containing 20% ethanol-derived calories during pregnancy (E-P), pregnancy and lactation (E-PL), or lactation (E-L). Ad libitum-fed (C) and pair-fed (PF) control groups, fed a control liquid diet, were included. Expression of differentiation antigens on splenic lymphocytes from 21-day-old offspring reared by females in 1 of the 3 ethanol exposure conditions was evaluated by flow cytometry. Offspring reared by E-P females had similar numbers of splenic lymphocytes as offspring reared by C and pair-fed during pregnancy (PF-P) females. In contrast, offspring reared by E-PL and E-L females had fewer splenic lymphocytes than both PF-PL and PF-L (respectively), and C offspring. The number of Thy 1.2+, CD4+, CD8+, and IgG+ (B-cell) splenic lymphocytes was reduced in E-PL and E-L offspring compared with PF and C offspring. E-P offspring had fewer CD4+ and IgG+ splenic lymphocytes than C, but not PF-P, offspring. The percentage of Thy 1.2+ splenic lymphocytes was significantly reduced among E-PL and E-L offspring compared with PF-PL and PF-L (respectively), and C offspring.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)