HLA‐B*1559: a hybrid allele including exon 2 of HLA‐B35 and exon 3 of HLA‐B15 and serologically typed as B35

Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part by office of Naval Research cooperative agreement # N‐00014‐96‐2‐0016 to the National Marrow Donor Program and by funding from the E.B. Foerderer Fund of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to D.M. The new allele HLA‐B*1559 described is of Hispanic origin. This allele carries the exon 2 of HLA‐B*35 alleles, and is identical to HLA‐B*3501 and the exon 3 of HLA‐B*1530. Serologically it is typed as B35. The most likely scenario for its generation seems to be a gene conversion event that involved the, frequent in Hispanic populations, B*1522 allele and a B*1530 allele. A segment of the B*1530 allele that included at least the sequences 412–419 would be transferred on a B*1522 background ( Note).