Standardization of Rye-Grass Pollen (Lolium perenne) Extract

Six candidate extracts of Lolium perenne (rye-grass) pollen have been studied in 6 laboratories using a variety of immunochemical and physicochemical techniques. Radioallergosorbent test inhibition, crossed immunoelectrophoresis, crossed radio-immunoelectrophoresis, sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis combined with immunoblot, thin-layer isoelectric focusing and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay inhibition were used to evaluate each of the coded extracts. The source materials were also studied for identity and possible contamination by light microscopy. On the basis of these data, the Rye-Grass Working Party recommended to the Steering Committee of the Allergen Standardization Subcommittee of the International Union of Immunological Societies that the extract coded C be chosen as the candidate international reference preparation.