Antifreeze proteins in the urine of marine fish

Several species of marine teleosts have evolved blood plasma antifreeze polypeptides which enable them to survive in ice-laden seawater. Four distinct antifreeze protein classes differing in carbohydrate content, amino acid composition, protein sequence and secondary structure are currently known. Although all of these antifreezes are relatively small (2.6–33 kd) it was generally thought that they were excluded from the urine by a variety of glomerular mechanisms. In the present study antifreeze polypeptides were found in the bladder urine of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus), sea raven (Hemitripterus americanus), ocean pout (Macrozoarces americanus) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Since the plasma of each of these fish contains a different antifreeze class it would appear that all four classes of antifreeze can enter the urine. The major antifreeze components in the urine of winter flounder were found to be identical to the major plasma components in terms of high performance liquid chromatography retention times and amino acid composition. It is concluded that plasma antifreeze peptides need not be chemically modified before they can enter the urine.