Raman spectroscopy of template grown single wall carbon nanotubes in zeolite crystals

Single wall carbon nanotubes with diameter 0.4 nm grown in the channels of AlPO4-5 crystals were studied by Raman spectroscopy and ab initio density functional calculations. In the experiment up to 19 different laser lines were used to characterize vibrational properties. Spectra depend strongly on the energy of the laser line used for excitation. Even though the observed Raman spectra were very rich on lines only two types of nanotubes with different chiralities, (5,0) and (4,2), were found to be responsible for the observed response. The frequencies of the radial breathing modes were reliably assigned. Even though the (5,0) is metallic, the A1g mode does not couple to the electronic continuum and the Peierls-type mechanism does not shift the mode toward lower frequencies. A strong response was also observed for frequencies around 1250 cm−1. The positions of two peaks assigned to the (5,0) do not depend on the laser energy whereas only one peak was observed for the (4,2) nanotube. Its frequency shifts with the laser energy like the D line of large diameter nanotubes, but the rate of the shift is only one half of the value known for the latter. These unexpected results could be traced back to the phonon dispersion of the narrow tubes.