Configuration-Interaction Effects in the Scattering of Electrons by Atoms and Ions of Nitrogen and Oxygen

In this paper we report new and improved theoretical electron-impact cross sections involving energy levels of different electronic configurations of atomic nitrogen and oxygen, and some of their ions. The results are expected to be improvements over previously published work, based on a single (ground-state) configuration approximation, because allowance has been made for additional distortion of the target system by the projectile by taking into account the effect of either virtual or real transitions to different terms of excited electronic configurations. The effect of coupling to excited configurations on the total elastic and forbidden cross sections among the ground-state terms of atomic nitrogen and of N IV is discussed in detail. Cross sections are also given for selected transitions to terms of excited configurations in O II, O III, N II, N III, and N IV. Some new autoionizing series in O II and N II are predicted and suggestions are made for their experimental verification. Also, qualitative agreement with recent observations of autodetaching states in atomic oxygen is obtained and the existence of other as yet unobserved states is suggested. The results indicate the need for additional experiments in oxygen and nitrogen and especially a careful measurement of the electron-nitrogen scattering in the energy range 0-5 eV.