Factors influencing detection of density dependence in British birds

If censuses are taken at less than generation intervals, the number of successive censuses in which a given individual is recorded will depend on longevity. Repeatedly recording the same individuals could produce under-estimates of population variability and influence detection of density dependence. We investigated this possibility in 60 time series of abundances of British birds compiled from the Common Birds Census data and then used simple population models to illustrate the proposed mechanism. Species had average lifespans of 2–10 years and were censused annually. Density dependence was detected (at Pdetection of density dependence from simulated series was strongly influenced by annual variability. The high annual variability of series from short-lived bird species could mask any density dependence that was present. Correcting for trends lead us to detect density dependence in 75% of the 12 longest lived bird species. There is no reason to believe that this rate is not also representative of short-lived species.