Dilation of benign ureteral strictures.

Balloon dilation of benign ureteral strictures was performed in 33 patients in a percutaneous antegrade (25 patients) or retrograde (eight patients) fashion followed by placement of a 7-10-F stent for 4-8 weeks. Dilation was possible in all patients. During the follow-up period of 1-40 months the overall success rate was 76%. The success rate in primary structures at the ureteropelvic junction was 86%. Among 10 patients with postsurgical (pyeloplasty, ureteroenterostomy, and ureteroneocystostomy) anastomotic strictures, dilation was successful in 50%. Of six patients with postoperative strictures after calculus removal by ureterolithotomy or pyelolithotomy, four (67%) had good results. All patients with iatrogenic postureteroscopic strictures (five patients) or accidental ureteral ligation (two patients) had a normal pyelogram at follow-up. The success rate in acute strictures of less than 3 months duration was 88%; in strictures of more than 3 months duration the success rate was 67%. Cause, length, and duration of stricture are the prime determinants of success. Early intervention with balloon dilation is suggested.