Mechanical Property Development During UOE Forming of Large Diameter Pipeline Steels

Mechanical properties of large diameter welded steel pipes depend on the thermomechanically controlled rolled (TMCR) plate microstructure and UOE pipe-forming cold deformation sequence. Strength from plate to pipe may increase (work-hardening) or decrease (the Bauschinger effect). Bauschinger effect parameters depend on steel composition and plate processing history. The present study is examining two pipeline grades: X60 (Nb-alloyed) and X65 (Nb- and V-alloyed). Mechanical properties are determined by grain refinement, solid solution, precipitation strengthening mechanisms, and work-hardening (work-softening). The reverse deformation yield drop increases with an increase in the precipitate particle volume fraction and pre-strain. Annealing, leading to a decrease in the dislocation density, reduces the yield drop. The Bauschinger parameters are being quantitatively related to the particle type, size, and volume fraction, and the dislocation density.