Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Gene Locus in Obesity and Obesity-Associated Hypertension in French Canadians

—Obesity represents a serious risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension. Segregation studies suggest that obesity and obesity-associated hypertension may share some genetic determinants. The results of the present candidate gene investigation suggest that in hypertensive pedigrees of French-Canadian origin, one such determinant is the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α gene locus. Gender-pooled quantitative sib-pair analysis demonstrated a significant effect of the gene locus on 3 global and 7 regional measures of obesity (P=0.05 to 0.0004). Gender-separate quantitative sib-pair analyses showed that the impact of the locus on obesity is most significant in the abdominal region in men and in the thigh region in women. Furthermore, the haplotype relative-risk test demonstrated a significant association between the TNF-α gene locus and both obesity (P=0.006) and obesity-associated hypertension (P=0.02). These effects were most significant in individuals with nonmor...