The GCN4 gene is required for the general amino acid control derepression response in yeast. GCN4 protein protects a repeated sequence motif in the 5'-untranslated region of HIS4, HIS3, ILV1, and ILV2 genes subject to general control. At low concentrations of GCN4, only certain repeats in these genes are bound. The repeats differ slightly from the 5' TGACTC 3' consensus core sequence, and the selective binding of some sites at low GCN4 concentrations is related to the relative affinity of these sites to GCN4. Using purified GCN4 protein obtained from an overproducing strain of Escherichia coli, we were able to obtain complete protection of all of the repeat elements in these four genes at high GCN4 concentrations. Analysis of the relative binding constant to the 15 repeated sequences protected by GCN4 shows that the optimal binding site for GCN4 is 5' RRTGACTC 3' followed by a short stretch of thymidines. Another protein, present mostly in yeast nuclear extracts, binds to the HIS4 promoter at a site overlapping one of the GCN4 binding sites. This protein is displaced from its binding site at high GCN4 concentrations.