The electrical resistivity of some Pd1 _xPr x (x = 0.02 and 0.03) alloys has been measured between 1.5 and 300 K. Resistivity minima have been observed around 20 K. Below the minimum, the resistivity varies linearly with log10 T but there is a slope change at about 4 K. In praseodymium cubic compounds, such a resistivity minimum resulting from a crystal field effect may be observed when the Γ5 triplet is the ground state. However, the agreement between the values calculated with Hirst's formula, which takes into account the crystal field and the experimental values is very bad. For comparison, we have measured the electrical resistivity of Pd : Sm and Pd : Tm dilute compounds which exhibit no resistivity minimum, in the same way as PrPd3 and SmPd3. We have also measured the magnetic susceptibility of the compound Pd0.98Pr 0.02