Sequence conservation and region shuffling in an endoglucanase and an exoglucanase fromCellulomonas fimi

Cellulomonas fimi produces an endoglucanase and an exoglucanase which bind strongly to cellulose. Each enzyme contains three distinct regions: a short sequence of about 20 amino acids containing only proline and threonine (the ProThr box); an irregular region, rich in hydroxyamino acids, of low charge density, and which is predicted to have little secondary structure; and an ordered region of higher charge density which contains a potential active site, and which is predicted to have secondary structure; and an ordered region of higher charge density which contains a potential active site, and which is predicted to have secondary structure. The Pro-Thr box is conserved almost perfectly in the two enzymes. The irregular regions are 50% conserved, and the conserved sequences include four Asn-Xaa-Ser/Thr sites. The ordered regions appear not to be conserved, but the potential active sites both have the sequence Glu-Xaa7-Asn-Xaa6-Thr; they occur at widely separated sites in the two regions. The order of the regions is reversed in the two enzymes: irregular-Pro-Thr box-ordered in the endoglucanase; ordered-Pro-Thr box irregular in the exoglucanase. The genes for the two enzymes appear to have arisen by shuffling of two conserved sequences and either one or two other sequences.