Reconstruction of serially sectioned zygotene and pachytene nuclei has allowed the estimation of both the number and position of central component recombination nodules in the synaptinemal complexes of two chromosomally different strains of Neurospora crussa. In both strains the number of nodules is that expected if each nodule represents one crossover event (50 map units). The distribution of nodules within the arms of bivalents shows evidence of centromeric repulsion and telomeric localizatioa. Nodules appear quite early in the zygotene before pairing of chromosomes is complete. Evidence was found of size differences in nodules, and multiple nodules were occasionally seen. Chromosome lengths and nuclear sizes increased from early zygotene to late pachytene. The three quadrivalents present in the alcoy translocation heterozygotes were readily distinguishable in reconstructions, and their cytological dimensions were in agreement with predictions from linkage map distances.