Generation of an effective anti‐tumor immunity after immunization with xenogeneic antigens

Central and peripheral tolerance mechanisms are expected to hamper the generation of effective immunity against tumors. To break self tolerance against malignant gliomas, we assessed the therapeutic potential of self/foreign antigen cross-reactivity in an immunocompetent rat glioma model. Immunotherapy of tumors using xenogeneic human glioma membrane proteins (HGP) as a vaccine inhibitedtumor growth, whereas no significant effect was obtained with rat glioma membrane proteins (RGP). In contrast to RGP, HGP elicited a specific IgG immune response that cross-reacted with RGP. This immune response was found to be mainly a Th1 type response. On tumor sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin, glioma cells are sparse and apoptotic in HGP-immunized rats, whereas control tumors showed condensed and viable cells. Tumor-specific CTL were induced in HGP-immunized rats. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that a significant number of CD8+ and CD4+ cells infiltrated into tumors from HGP-vaccinated rats, whereas RGP vaccination led to only few tumor-infiltrating T cells. Taken together, the data establish the in vivo applicability of the cross-stimulation between self and foreign antigens as an alternative way to break tolerance against the poorly immunogenic gliomas.