Serum Antibodies to Gliadin in Coeliac Disease after Gluten Withdrawal

Serum gliadin antibodies of the IgA and IgG classes were determined by the diffusion-in-gel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DIG-ELISA) in 10 adult patients with villous atrophy of the small-intestinal mucosa. After introduction of a gluten-free diet a gradual decrease in serum gliadin antibody levels occurred, reaching statistical significance at 3 months of treatment for the IgA class (p < 0.01) and at 6 months for the IgG class (p < 0.05). A decrease of serum gliadin antibody levels after gluten withdrawal was related to an improvement of the intestinal mucosa and should thus be indicative of whether the patient is following the dietary recommendations. However, determination of gliadin antibody levels cannot replace small-intestinal biopsy, as there are a few patients in whom the antibody levels are not related to the morphology of the gut mucosa.