A Comparison of Psoas Compartment Block and Spinal and General Anesthesia for Outpatient Knee Arthroscopy

The optimal anesthetic technique for outpatient knee arthroscopy remains controversial. In this study, we evaluated surgical operating conditions, patient satisfaction, recovery times, and postoperative analgesic requirements associated with psoas compartment block, general anesthetic, or spinal anesthetic techniques. Sixty patients were randomized to receive a propofol/nitrous oxide/fentanyl general anesthetic, spinal anesthesia with 6 mg of bupivacaine and 15 μg of fentanyl, or psoas compartment block with 40 mL of 1.5% mepivacaine. All patients received IV ketorolac and intraarticular bupivacaine. The frequency of postanesthesia recovery room admission was 13 (65%) of 20 for patients receiving general anesthesia, compared with 0 of 21 for patients receiving spinal anesthesia and 1 (5%) of 19 for patients receiving psoas block (P P