Reactions with Protons on Nitrogen

The yields and angular distributions of the charged particles produced on bombardment of nitrogen by protons have been studied in the range of 6- to 9-MeV incident proton energy. The cross section of the (p,α) reaction is much larger than that of the reaction producingHe3 or inelastic scattering of protons to the first four excited states of N14. A broad resonance (roughly 800 keV in width) was found in the (p,α) reaction centered at a proton bombarding energy of 7.5 MeV. The angular distribution of the p1 proton group (leading to the first excited state of N14) shows that the spin and parity of this resonant state is 32. There is evidence for an additional broad 32+ state centered at 6.6 MeV. Sharp resonances appear superposed on these broad resonances in the (p,α) reaction; for most of these the α-particle yield is much larger than the proton yield. Some sharp resonances appear only in the (p,α) reaction. The reduced α-particle widths are usually of the order of a few percent of the Wigner limit, and 10 times higher than the reduced widths to the Wigner limit for neutron and proton emission.