Pituitary Responsiveness to LRF in Castrated Male Hamsters Exposed to Different Photoperiodic Conditions

The effect of various doses of LRF on pituitary LH and FSH release was examined in castrated adult male hamsters with different photoperiodic histories. Gonadotropin (Gn) release in response to LRF was independent of whether the animals had been exposed to a photostimulatory (LD 14:10) or a nonstimulatory (LD 6:18) light cycle for 60 days following castration. The lowest dose that caused a significant increase in serum Gns was 10 ng LRF/100 g b.w. for LH and 50 ng LRF/100 g b.w. for FSH. These results indicate that photoperiod, which is well known to exert major effects on the reproductive system of the golden hamster, does not do so by directly altering the responsiveness of the pituitary gland to hypothalamic Gn-releasing factor.