It is generally held that one of the recessive genes controlling diabetes in the NOD mouse is linked to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Unique substitution of Asp57 with Ser in the Aβ chain is considered to make the Aβ gene the MHC-llnked susceptibility gene. We therefore analysed the nucleotide sequences of the Aβ second exon in ILI, CTS, and NON mice, which are nondiabetic inbred strains but are derived from the same Jcl-ICR mice as the NOD mouse. The DNA sequence analyses revealed that the Aβ second exon sequences In the ILl and CTS mice, but not in the NON mouse, are identical to that of the NOD mouse. Possible roles of Ser57 of the Aβ chain in the nondiabetic sister strains are discussed.