Following work previously reported which showed that the temp. resistance and the degree of unsaturation of the phosphatides of Calliphora erythrocephala Meig and Phormia terra-novae R.D. are both dependent on the temp. of breeding, the phosphorus distr. of the haemolymph of heat-treated and untreated larvae was investigated. Increases occur in the lipid P. the inorganic P and the adenylpyrophosphate P on heat treatment. The function of the 2 latter groups might be regarded as connected with buffering and enzymatic activities respectively. The increase is more pronounced for a long exposure to low lethal temps. than for a short exposure to high lethal temps., except in (he case of the adenylpyrophosphatc P which increases equally in both cases and is assumed to be liberated at an early stage. The method of obtaining the blood and of standardizing the heat treatment is described.