1. The metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) by gerbil hepatic microsomes is increased following induction by phenobarbital (PB), chlordecone, mirex and 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC). 2. By several criteria including the influence of α-naphthoflavone (α-NF) on BP-hydroxylase activity and BP-metabolite profiles, the cytochromes P-450 responsible for benzo[a]pyrene metabolism appear to be similar in microsomes isolated from PB-, chlordecone-, or mirex-treated gerbils. The cytochromes P-450 present in microsomes isolated from control animals and those treated with 3-MC are different from each other and from those present in PB, chlordecone, or mirex microsomes by the same criteria. 3. Of the inducers used, only PB induced microsomal epoxide hydrolase activity.