Verlaufsbeobachtungen der Neuritis retrobulbaris - Vergleichende psychophysische und elektroophthalmologische Befunde

In 11 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and 8 patients without verified MS, computerized perimetry, bipolar flash evoked cortical potential (H-EP) and pattern-reversal evoked cortical response (M-EP) were recorded in the acute stage and convalescent period of neuritis retrobulbaris. In the acute stage visual field deficiencies, diminutions of H-EP and M-EP amplitudes, and increases in H-EP latencies were seen in both eyes in all cases. The most severe pathologic changes were found in the worst eyes of the group without MS. In the convalescent period a complete restitution of the electro-ophthalmological parameters was not found in the patients by statistical methods. Restitution was more common in patients not suffering from MS.