A comparison of granulopoiesis in culture from blood and marrow cells of nonleukemic individuals and patients with acute leukemia

The objective of this study was to compare the concentration of committed granulopoietic progenitor cells (CFU-C) in marrow and blood. For individuals without leukemia, a highly significant correlation was observed between the concentration of CFU-C obtained from the two sites. However, CFU-C in blood had a slower sedimentation velocity than that reported for marrow and were found not to be in the DNA synthetic phase of the cycle using the tritiated thymidine suicide tehcnique. In patients with acute leukemia, no correlation was observed between concentrations of CFU-C in marrow and peripheral blood, regardless of whether the patients were newly diagnosed, in remission, or in relapse. We concluded that studies of the peripheral blood do not yield the same information in respect to granulopoietic progenitor cells as do studies of the marrow.