Reliability and Validity of the Diabetes Family Behavior Scale (DFBS)

The Diabetes Family Behavior Scale (DFBS) was designed to measure diabetes-specific family support. The purposes of this study were to refine the scale and to assess reliability and criterion validity in terms of relationship to metabolic control. The DFBS was administered to 321 children and adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Blood was drawn for determination of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Based on an item-analysis procedure, the DFBS was revised to include 47 items with two subscales, one to reflect guidance-control and one to reflect warmth-caring. Acceptable internal consistency was found for the DFBS total score (.86), and for the guidance-control (.81) and warmth-caring (.79) subscales. There was a statistically significant relationship in the expected direction between DFBS total score and HbA1c (r = -.12, P<.03), and between the guidance-control subscale and HbA1c. (r=-.17, P<.002).