Fused silica capillary column GC/MS for the analysis of priority pollutants

Operational characteristics have been determined for fused silica capillary column (FSCC) GC/MS as applied to “extractable” priority polutants. Chromatographic data show excellent relative retention time (RRT) intralaboratory precision and interlaboratory accuracy when multiple internal standards are empolyed. Potential chromatographic problems, such as column overload and “double peaking”, are addressed. Response factor relative standard deviations (RSD) at 50 ng for most of the extractable priority pollutants over the long term indicated precise determination (i.e. RSD generally ≤ 10%). Linearity was demonstrated over two orders of magnitude for FSCC GC/MS analysis of compounds with relatively low and high RF (response factor) values. Potential quantitative problems, such as saturation, are discussed. For certain aromatic priority pollutants interlaboratory RF agreement was observed. This was noted as perhaps the most important property of FSCC GC/MS analysis when the multiple internal standard approach is utilized. Determinations of extractable priority pollutants are directly compared for paced column GC/MS and FSCC GC/MS analysis of separate and composited extracts. For six extracts analyzed in triplicate, the latter configuration was shown to produce more consistent results. In view of the superior analysis logistics of composite extract FSCC GC/MS analysis, this approach was established as the preferred method for the analysis of priority pollutants classified as extractable.