Many antineoplastic drugs in use now have cytotoxic side effects that also manifest in the oral cavity or influence dental management. Chemothera‐peutic agents that have a high potential for precipitating oral mucosal damage and bone marrow depression are methotrexate, cyclophospha‐mide, daunorubicin doxorubicin hydrochloride, 5 fluorouracil, bleomy‐cin, nitrogen mustard, cytosine‐arabinoside, 6‐mercaptopurine, busulfan, and L‐phenylalanine mustard. Mucositis may lead to neglected oral hygiene, which in turn may cause a chain reaction of local infections, bleeding, and septicemia in myelosuppressed patients. Preventive oral care before chemotherapy and active oral care during therapy are necessary for compromised patients. A protocol for oral care is described.