The nitrogen-14 quadrupole relaxation broadening effect on the proton spectrum of formamide was eliminated by a 1H–{14N} double resonance technique. The completely-decoupled proton spectra of formamide in the neat liquid and in acetone, dioxane, and water solutions were observed at several temperatures. The spectra observed at room temperature were analyzed on the basis of an ABC system, while the spectra at higher temperatures (∼100°C) were analyzed on the basis of an AB2 system. From the changes in the resonance lines of the formyl proton with the temperature, the values of the activation energy for the hindered internal rotation about the C–N bond, Earot, and for the intermolecular proton exchange involving the amine protons, Eaex, were obtained. It has been found that the hydrogen-bond formation on the carbonyl oxygen of formamide increases the Earot value and the magnitude of the vicinal coupling constants, while it decreases the magnitude of the geminal coupling constant.