Various cloud-detection schemes are applied to 1.1 km Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) day- and night-time data to determine an optimum automated scheme for deriving cloud-free radiances over both land and sea. A combination of the spatial coherence method at infrared wavelengths (11 μm) and dynamic visible threshold methods proved to be the most effective scheme for day-time use. Uniform thin cirrus (i.e. reflectance less than 15 per cent) was difficult to detect with all methods. Problems were also encountered over regions with a changing underlying surface type (e.g. coastal areas) where the automated scheme was not as effective as over uniform surfaces. At night a combination of the spatial coherence method and a scheme based on the differences in brightness temperatures between the three infrared channels at 37, II and 12 μm wavelength was successfully used. Results obtained by applying these algorithms to AVHRR data are presented and the different problems encountered with each algorithm are discussed.